Ubashiri wa Ligi Kuu Bara – Tanzania Premier League Predictions

Starting in

Coastal Union vs Dodoma Jiji
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs Azam
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

JKT Tanzania vs Tabora United
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Simba vs Young Africans
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Black Stars vs Namungo
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Singida Big Stars vs KMC
HOME 2 - 1

Odds not available

Pamba Jiji vs Kagera Sugar
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs Simba
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Young Africans vs JKT Tanzania
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Singida Black Stars vs Singida Big Stars
HOME 2 - 1

Odds not available

Namungo vs Pamba Jiji
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Mashujaa vs KenGold
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs KMC
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Dodoma Jiji vs JKT Tanzania
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Coastal Union vs Kagera Sugar
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Azam vs KenGold
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

KMC vs Namungo
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Kagera Sugar vs Tanzania Prisons
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Tabora United vs Pamba Jiji
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Big Stars vs Mashujaa
HOME 2 - 1

Odds not available

Azam vs Singida Black Stars
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

KenGold vs Dodoma Jiji
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Black Stars vs Coastal Union
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs KenGold
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Namungo vs JKT Tanzania
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Tabora United vs Mashujaa
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Kagera Sugar vs Dodoma Jiji
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Big Stars vs Pamba Jiji
HOME 3 - 1

Odds not available

Pamba Jiji vs Simba
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

Young Africans vs Singida Big Stars
HOME 2 - 1

Odds not available

KenGold vs Coastal Union
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Mashujaa vs Namungo
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Azam vs Kagera Sugar
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

JKT Tanzania vs Tanzania Prisons
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Tabora United vs Singida Black Stars
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Dodoma Jiji vs KMC
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

KMC vs Tabora United
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Big Stars vs JKT Tanzania
HOME 2 - 1

Odds not available

Mashujaa vs Kagera Sugar
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Singida Black Stars vs Simba
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Dodoma Jiji vs Azam
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Coastal Union vs Tanzania Prisons
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Pamba Jiji vs KenGold
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Namungo vs Young Africans
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

JKT Tanzania vs Pamba Jiji
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Kagera Sugar vs Namungo
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Black Stars vs Dodoma Jiji
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

KMC vs Mashujaa
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Big Stars vs Coastal Union
HOME 2 - 1

Odds not available

Tabora United vs Azam
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs Singida Black Stars
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

JKT Tanzania vs Mashujaa
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

KenGold vs Namungo
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

KMC vs Pamba Jiji
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Tabora United vs Coastal Union
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Azam vs Singida Big Stars
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs Pamba Jiji
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Singida Black Stars vs KenGold
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Singida Big Stars vs Namungo
HOME 2 - 1

Odds not available

Azam vs JKT Tanzania
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Tabora United vs Simba
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

Young Africans vs Kagera Sugar
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Coastal Union vs KMC
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Dodoma Jiji vs Mashujaa
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs Mashujaa
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Dodoma Jiji vs Pamba Jiji
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Tabora United vs Namungo
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Big Stars vs Simba
AWAY 1 - 2

Odds not available

Coastal Union vs JKT Tanzania
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Azam vs KMC
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Singida Black Stars vs Kagera Sugar
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Young Africans vs KenGold
HOME 3 - 0

Odds not available

Mashujaa vs Coastal Union
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

KMC vs Singida Black Stars
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Simba vs Tanzania Prisons
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

KenGold vs Singida Big Stars
AWAY 1 - 2

Odds not available

JKT Tanzania vs Young Africans
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

Kagera Sugar vs Tabora United
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Pamba Jiji vs Azam
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Namungo vs Dodoma Jiji
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

JKT Tanzania vs Singida Black Stars
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Tabora United vs KenGold
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Kagera Sugar vs Singida Big Stars
AWAY 1 - 2

Odds not available

Pamba Jiji vs Coastal Union
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Simba vs Dodoma Jiji
HOME 2 - 1

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs Namungo
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

KMC vs Young Africans
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

Azam vs Mashujaa
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Mashujaa vs Pamba Jiji
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Coastal Union vs Azam
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Big Stars vs Tabora United
HOME 2 - 1

Odds not available

KenGold vs Kagera Sugar
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Young Africans vs Singida Black Stars
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

KMC vs JKT Tanzania
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Namungo vs Simba
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

Dodoma Jiji vs Tanzania Prisons
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

JKT Tanzania vs Kagera Sugar
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Dodoma Jiji vs Singida Big Stars
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs Tabora United
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Black Stars vs Pamba Jiji
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Simba vs Azam
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

KenGold vs KMC
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Mashujaa vs Young Africans
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

Namungo vs Coastal Union
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Big Stars vs Tanzania Prisons
HOME 2 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Black Stars vs Mashujaa
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Kagera Sugar vs KMC
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Tabora United vs Dodoma Jiji
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Pamba Jiji vs Young Africans
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

Azam vs Namungo
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

JKT Tanzania vs KenGold
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Coastal Union vs Simba
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

KMC vs Singida Big Stars
AWAY 1 - 2

Odds not available

KenGold vs Mashujaa
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Namungo vs Singida Black Stars
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Dodoma Jiji vs Coastal Union
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Young Africans vs Simba
HOME 2 - 1

Odds not available

Tabora United vs JKT Tanzania
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Kagera Sugar vs Pamba Jiji
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Azam vs Tanzania Prisons
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Singida Big Stars vs Singida Black Stars
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Kagera Sugar vs Coastal Union
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

JKT Tanzania vs Dodoma Jiji
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

KMC vs Tanzania Prisons
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

KenGold vs Azam
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Simba vs Mashujaa
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Pamba Jiji vs Namungo
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Tabora United vs Young Africans
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

Mashujaa vs Singida Big Stars
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Namungo vs KMC
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Pamba Jiji vs Tabora United
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

JKT Tanzania vs Simba
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Dodoma Jiji vs KenGold
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs Kagera Sugar
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Singida Black Stars vs Azam
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Young Africans vs Coastal Union
HOME 3 - 0

Odds not available

KenGold vs Tanzania Prisons
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

JKT Tanzania vs Namungo
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Pamba Jiji vs Singida Big Stars
AWAY 1 - 2

Odds not available

Azam vs Young Africans
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Dodoma Jiji vs Kagera Sugar
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Mashujaa vs Tabora United
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

KMC vs Simba
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

Coastal Union vs Singida Black Stars
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

Singida Black Stars vs Tabora United
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs JKT Tanzania
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Namungo vs Mashujaa
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

JKT Tanzania vs Singida Big Stars
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Kagera Sugar vs Mashujaa
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Azam vs Dodoma Jiji
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

KenGold vs Pamba Jiji
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Simba vs Singida Black Stars
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Tabora United vs KMC
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs Coastal Union
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Young Africans vs Namungo
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Pamba Jiji vs JKT Tanzania
AWAY 0 - 1

Odds not available

Namungo vs Kagera Sugar
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Dodoma Jiji vs Singida Black Stars
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Mashujaa vs KMC
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

KenGold vs Simba
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

Tanzania Prisons vs Young Africans
AWAY 0 - 2

Odds not available

Azam vs Tabora United
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Coastal Union vs Singida Big Stars
AWAY 1 - 2

Odds not available

Mashujaa vs JKT Tanzania
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Pamba Jiji vs KMC
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Simba vs Kagera Sugar
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Namungo vs KenGold
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Black Stars vs Tanzania Prisons
HOME 1 - 0

Odds not available

Young Africans vs Dodoma Jiji
HOME 2 - 0

Odds not available

Coastal Union vs Tabora United
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Singida Big Stars vs Azam
DRAW 1 - 1

Odds not available

Here you can find the latest predictions for the TZ. The TZ matches consists of 171 fixtures. We have predictions for each one of the fixtures. Our top 5 match predictions for the TZ are:

  • For Singida Black Stars vs Namungo we think the match will end with a score 2 - 0.
  • For Kagera Sugar vs Dodoma Jiji we think that Dodoma Jiji will win.
  • For Pamba Jiji vs Coastal Union we think the match will end with a score 1 - 1.
  • For Tabora United vs JKT Tanzania we think that JKT Tanzania will win.
  • For Namungo vs KenGold we think the match will end with a score 1 - 1.

Tanzania Premier League

Tanzania is a sport loving nation and several sports are played in this East African country. Soccer is by far the most popular sport in Tanzania and generally the majority of Tanzanian soccer fans support either Young Africans and Simba FC, which are two of the most popular clubs in Tanzania. These two teams are part of the Tanzanian Premier League and this article seeks to explain about the Tanzania Premier League in detail.

What is the Tanzanian Premier League?

The Tanzanian Premier League is the top-tier professional football league in Tanzania which is administered by the Tanzania Football Federation. The league has been in existence for over 50 years as it was formed in the year 1965. The Premier League was initially formed as the ‘National League’ and the name was later changed to ‘First Division Soccer League’, and in the year 1997, it was renamed to ‘Premier League’ as we know it today.
The Tanzania Premier league is now amongst some of the most lucrative Leagues in Africa as some of the most successful companies like Sportpesa and several others are offering Tanzanian clubs with huge sponsorship deals. As a result, the league is now attracting exciting talent from neighboring countries like Zimbabwe because they can earn a good amount of money in Tanzania than in their local leagues, right now, Prince Dube, a Zimbabwean striker is one of the top performing players in the league.
The Tanzanian Premier is yet to make an impact on the African stage because Tanzanian clubs are yet to play consistently well in African club competitions like the way clubs from Egypt, Morrocco, Algeria, Nigeria, Ghana, DRC and Tanzania do. As a result, Tanzania have one automatic spot for the Champions League and the first placed team at the end of the season qualifies for the CAF Champions League

How many teams are in the league and the format of the Tanzanian Premier League?

The Tanzanian Premier League has gone through a number of phases and the number of teams in the league keeps on changing, currently, the league is made up of a total of 18 Premier League teams that play a double round-robin (this means they will play each other home and away). The team with the most number of points at the end of each season will be crowned champions and automatically qualify for the CAF Champions League. The winner of the Tanzania FA Cup qualifieS for the CAF Confederations Cup. Three bottom-placed teams at the end of the league season are relegated to the First Division League for the following season.

When does the Tanzanian Premier League start?

The Tanzanian Premier League usually starts in September and ends in July in the following year, please note that the season is usually opened by a Community Sheild match which features the league winner against the domestic Cup winner which is the Azam Sports Federation Cup.

Performances over past few seasons in the Tanzanian Premier League?
The Tanzanian Premier League has always been dominated by two teams, Young African and Simba SC and the two teams have won three championships apiece from the 2014–15 seasons. Young Africans won three consecutive titles from 2014–15 up to 2016–17 and Simba SC also won three consecutive titles from 2017–18 up to 2019–20. Currently, Simba SC is leading the title race with 73 points and Yound Africans is in second place and this proves just how dominant these two teams are, you can think of them as the Real Madrid and Barcelona of the Tanzanian Premier League.